
We Believe in Successful Partnerships

Our certified sensors are developed and manufactured in Switzerland and integrated into smart wearables across various industries worldwide. Our collaborations with engineers, scientists, and international research teams; who trust our technology for their studies; reflect our continued commitment to staying ahead with our technology and exploring new avenues of innovation

Our Vision

Our vision is to enhance the impact of modern technology on people's lives through our sensor technology solutions. We recognize the advantages of digitalization in providing speed, safety, and efficiency. We see the positive impact data-driven patient monitoring solutions has in medicine; while AI-based innovations enable us to address global challenges and safeguard people and the environment. We are committed to contributing to these developments, both in the short term and distant future.

Our Mission

By developing cutting-edge sensor technologies, we want to support innovation across a wide range of industries. As an employer, we want to offer our staff an attractive workplace with flexible models and opportunities for growth. And as a future-oriented company, we want to meet the needs of all stakeholders based on our responsible and sustainable values.

Chronicle of a Swiss-made cutting-edge sensor technology














2023 - WITHINGS hybrid ScanWatch 2

With the integration of greenteg's CALERA® technology, the latest hybrid ScanWatch2 from the company WITHINGS offers a revolutionary advancement for the health-conscious consumer who are keen to monitor and have data regarding their health and well-being.

Stay tuned as we continue to innovate in the field of health monitoring technology, making personalized health insights more accessible to all.

2022 - Award-winning greenteg technology

With CORE and calera®, greenteg wins three CES Innovation Awards in the Health & Wellness, Sports & Fitness, and Wearable Technologies categories. calera® is introduced as a new brand name for medtech and wearable applications. With the relaunch of the company website, another important milestone is reached – and greenteg is perfectly equipped for the next funding round.

2021 - The CORE sensor conquers the world

greenteg presents the CORE sensor to a broader market by exhibiting at the major EUROBIKE and MEDICA trade fairs. In the summer, various professional athletes use CORE in the Tour de France and other races, along with ten gold-medal winners at the Olympic Games in Tokyo. Launch of several products by partners using greenteg’s calera® technology.

2020 - Our technology is effective during lockdown

During the first wave of COVID-19, greenteg supports clinical research with CORE prototypes for measuring core body temperature. A little later, the FDA grants emergency use authorization. The German cycling team BORA-hansgrohe uses CORE sensors during the Tour de France. And greenteg gSKIN® sensors reach the International Space Station (ISS) on an unmanned supply vehicle launched by JAXA.

2019 - ...and a new company location

greenteg presents its CORE prototypes at the world’s largest tech show, CES in Las Vegas. The same year, it moves to new premises at Zurich Airport – covering >1,000 m². greenteg is awarded the Horizon Europe 2020 Seal of Excellence and a grant from Innosuisse for a sensor that can detect neurodegenerative disease at an early stage. The company also exhibits at the MEDICA medical technology fair.

2018 - It’s time for the next big step...

Investment round to further grow the business and production capacity. Business development of core body temperature measurement technology is especially targeted with investment funding, and initial prototypes are tested in a clinical environment and with partners.

2017 - Making wearables more visible

With a focus on the growing wearables industry, greenteg also raises its profile by participating in the Web Summit and Swiss Medtech Day. An exclusive photonics partnership with Thorlabs Inc. begins.

2016 - The first wearable sensor worldwide – a greenteg innovation

Successful conclusion of another funding round with a promising prototype. The first wearable for the R&D sector offering core body temperature monitoring is launched, leading to increased interest from current and new investors.

2014 - A new sector with huge potential

With the gSKIN® Kit, greenteg tackles U-value measurement in the building sector. With the launch of this product, the prospering company is now already operating successfully in three business fields.

2013 - New Sparring Partner in the Photonics Industry

The first gRAY® sensors are sold to Thorlabs Inc., a global company and market leader in devices and components for generating and measuring laser sources as well as optical coherence tomography and photoacoustic analysis equipment.

2012 - The business gets serious

greenteg expands and moves into Technopark Zurich, where its office and production facilities are expanded to >200 m². The company successfully completes the rocky seed period, obtains patents for three developments as well as several trademarks, and achieves market readiness with heat flux sensors for the R&D sector.

2010 - And the winner is ...!

Seed funding is obtained for greenteg’s sensor technology, which wins various awards and innovation prizes, including ClimateKIC, InnoSuisse and the W.A. de Vigier Award. greenteg is also named one of the top 100 Swiss start-ups.

2009 - Green from the outset

greenteg’s success story begins in Zurich in 2009. The company is founded as a spin-off of ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Its technology is based on a scalable heat flux sensor developed at ETH Zurich’s Chair of Micro- and Nanosystems.

Looking for a (new) Career?

We’re always interested in motivated candidates. Do you have a professional background in engineering, materials science, material technology, chemistry, physics or business development? Then we look forward to getting to know you!

We support people who show initiative, give it their all and bring their own ideas to the team. If you like working in an entrepreneurial environment where you can realize your full potential, then apply here!